10 Tips To do Well in College
L ➡ R: Me, my friends Shirley and Bianca |
I'm in my last semester of college and Ill be getting my Bachelors degree in Biology this August. Through my experience over the years, I think I have been able to accumulate some helpful tips that I think will be very useful to in coming college freshmen. You can use these tips even if you aren't a freshman to improve your performance. I have a younger brother who will be attending college next year, and a handful of family friends and cousins that will also be heading to college soon and these are the very same tips I would give them. I hope this helps your college years go smoothly and with as little academic probation as possible!
P.S. If you don't want to read, I've attached the youtube videos that I did with the same information down bellow!
1.) Be familiar with your degree plan (ITS YOUR HOLY BIBLE!)
a. Use your degree plan to plan and register for your classes
b. You need it to know the prerequisites of classes and core classes you need to take
c. You don’t want to take random classes that have nothing to do with completing your degree plan, it will delay you from graduating and you will waste money.
d. Know what course requirements you have already taken and still have to complete
2.) Know your advisor
a. Go to your advisor regularly with your degree plan to make sure you are staying on track
b. Talk to them about what are the best classes to take to earn a certain credits (ex: electives)
c. Talk to them about steps to take to graduate on time.
3.) Do your research before registering for classes/ professors
a. Everyone has different learning methods, so choose the professor that best fits your learning method
b. Professor records do not lie! If you are someone who needs an easy A (let’s be real), don’t register for a professor with a difficult personality and that has a class grade average of a C or a high withdrawal rate.
c. Take a look at what reviewers have to say about the professor and how their course is structured
i. Do they teach using powerpoints
ii. Do they give you their notes
iii. Do they give you exam reviews
iv. What is the best way to study for their exams
v. Do they give extra credit
vi. How do they grade/ curve
vii. Do they give homework
viii. What are outside resources can you use to do better in this class
ix. Is the professor approachable
x. Do they answer questions well
xi. Are they helpful
xii. Are they stuck up/ have an attitude
d. Look at what the course is focused on and what it will teach you
i. How can you use the information for future classes
ii. How does it correspond to your future academic/ career plans.
4.) Always go to the first class
a. Get to know/ observe your professor
b. Know what the professor expects from you
c. Hear in depth explanations about the class and syllabus
d. Get clues on how to excel in the class
*I believe in going to every single class because you can take notes, and note taking as been scientifically proven as active learning to increase memory of the material. Don't be a passive learner, just sitting listening to the professor talk! Take your notes, you will remember more, and it will make it easier to study later= BETTER GRADES!
5.) Learn to prioritize
a. Make an effort to study every day (The best way to do this is to rewrite notes)
b. Make a To do list with higher priority things (Things due, harder things, closer exams) listed first
i. Make one for every day of the week
ii. Write the highest priority thing first
iii. Allocate a certain amount of time you want to spend on each task
6.) Learn your learning style
a. Do you learn better…
i. Self taught
ii. Visual learner
iii. Audio learner
iv. Reader
b. This will help you choose the professors you want to register for based on their teaching style. You don't want to register for a professor that expects you to read the book and learn the material before class, and then just does a speedy overview of the material without writing notes or working examples in lecture if you are a more hands on (visual/audio) learner.
7.) Start “heavy” study a week before your exams (the best way to study is everyday)
a. Formula= 4 days relearn (re-read material, rewrite notes) 3 days review
i. Day 1= relearn chapter 1
ii. Day 2= relearn chapter 2
iii. Day 3= relearn chapter 3
iv. Day 4= relearn chapter 4
v. Day 5 = review all
vi. Day 6= review all
vii. Day 7= Review all
b. If you study everyday, relearn should only take you max 1hr a day
c. Days 5-7 are to drill the info into your brain through repeated practice off all the material. So you redo math problems for all chapters over again, redraw pathways, do practice quizzes, exams etc.
d. This helps you to avoid cramming
e. As a result reduces stress
f. Allows you to do in depth study and really go over things you didn’t understand
g. Gives you enough time to ask questions
8.) Record lectures
a. Download an HD recording app (sit close to the front of the class)
b. Even if you are sleepy, you can just replay recordings so that you don’t miss any important info
c. If you forget something just replay the recording
d. Good source of review If you don’t want to rewrite notes, and allows for multitasking
9.) Ask professor what is the best way to study for the exam (1 week before the exam)
a. Leaves good impressions, it makes professor think you are focused and responsible
b. Makes it easier on you by reducing stress, you know what to focus on.
10.) Make friends
a. Have fun
b. Stress relief
c. May have resources
d. May have better way to do things/advice
· If you are following all of these guidelines and are doing badly, have a talk with your professor during their office hours or talk to your advisors' about what else they think you should do.
· College isn’t easy, especially if you are trying to do well. It takes hard work and commitment. Expect hard times and know that everything isn’t going to go the way you want it to go all the time. Just remember to take it one day at a time.